To whom does VTB 24 sell debts. The bank offered to buy out its debt. At what stage of delinquency is it most profitable to redeem the debt

For the first time, a state-owned bank is "selling" negligent clients to debt collectors - collection agencies notorious for their harsh working methods, Izvestia reports.

In the past, debt collectors were a nightmare for CFOs and accountants. But now frivolous young men, old women and dismissed managers will have to get acquainted with them. Izvestia decided to find out if this measure is an alarming symptom for the entire banking system.

Loans overdue for a year or more are put up for sale. These are mainly cash loans, as well as those taken with credit cards. The total amount is four billion rubles. Since the average loan size is about one hundred thousand, we are talking about forty thousand citizens, Izvestia calculated.

VTB24 did not disclose the figure to us, but unofficially confirmed that "this is approximately the way it is." The collection agency that chooses the bank will buy from it a set of information about negligent citizens at a discount of 3-7% of the amount of the debt. The bank gets its own - albeit with losses - and washes its hands. Banks have hired collectors before, but a simple “sale of clients”, and even a state bank, has never happened before.

Dmitry Zhdanukhin, director of the Collection Development Center, suggests that the bank has apparently exhausted all methods of influencing debtors, is tired of spending money on collecting debts, and so decided to sell it. The figure - from a year of delay or more - was chosen correctly, they say in the Rostnadzor collection agency. After all, the period during which the debt can be beaten out is three years, so there are just about two years left to return the money. This is not a quick matter, and rarely will an agency take on a debt that has, for example, six months left to “live”.

At the same time, the bank must understand that it is taking risks, Zhdanukhin says: “The sale comes at a discount, and VTB24 is a state-owned bank. No matter how the Accounts Chamber is interested in what kind of discount this is. “I am sure that there will be no problems, the bank will be able to explain everything,” Pavel Medvedev, chairman of the Duma subcommittee on banking legislation, disagrees.

But the deputy is confused by something else. “The bank is hoping to outsource this to an agency that it thinks is decent. Despite the fact that agencies are not at all decent. But I hope the bank knows what it's doing,” he says. How collectors work - Izvestia was frankly told in one quite "decent" institution.

“There are seven well-established business processes,” the source says. - Appeal to the police. Litigation, work with a bailiff. Bankruptcy, including natural persons, accompanied by increased pressure. Destruction of reputation: many are afraid of this. And how not to be afraid if you have three children, and they saw you with a prostitute. Property search, including abroad. If we find at least old Zhiguli, consider that you no longer have them. If we find out that a person once did not pay taxes, even three kopecks, we will start a criminal case. Let's not live in peace.

Collectors expect that VTB24 and others will reach out. Banks hid bad loans for a long time, they were afraid of the sanctions of the Central Bank, but you can’t hide the sewing in a bag. President of the Association of Russian Banks Garegin Tosunyan admits that banks are hiding, but there will be no boom: - there will be no such thing.

If we take the number of "bad" loans, then more than 90% are loans to individuals. If we talk about money, then the share of citizens is about 60%, says Tosunyan. Individuals owe banks 270 billion rubles, they say in the Central Bank, the exact amount of debt of legal entities is not disclosed there. The Central Bank is still hoping for an increase in lending, but banks, apparently, will not agree to this until they knock everything out of debtors to the last ruble, Izvestia reports.

The management held a conference - told about 2017 and gave a forecast for 2018.

VTB is a state bank, the company's shares are sold on the stock exchange.

Sergey Shabolkin

private investor

Net profit increased by almost 100%

VTB received a net profit of 120.1 billion rubles in 2017 - twice as much as in 2016. Analysts believed that the bank should have earned about 100 billion rubles.

Analysts did not take into account that VTB planned to merge with VTB-24 into a single structure by January 2018. Therefore, the management began to sell excess assets - they sold bonds received from the state as part of the bank's support. There was additional profit.

VTB plans to earn 150 billion rubles in 2018. The task is difficult: the key rate of the Central Bank is falling, and the banks of Oleg, German and Mikhail also want to increase their profits. It is possible that VTB will cut unnecessary expenses - Maybe they will sell extra assets. No one knows how management will increase profits, so keep an eye on quarterly reports.

Increased interest income

VTB gives loans to customers - they receive interest from this. The bank has to borrow money from outside and pay interest. The difference between interest received and paid is net interest income.

VTB received 460.2 billion rubles of net interest income in 2017, a year earlier - 415 billion. The net interest margin was 4.1% in 2017 against 3.7% in 2016. The net interest margin shows how much the bank earns from its financial assets. Formula: net interest income / assets. More is better.

The indicator can be calculated independently, but it takes a long time: you need to remove assets that are not related to banking, and then calculate the average value of assets for the year. Better see the result in VTB presentations.

The presentation shows that the bank has increased its net interest margin since the first quarter of 2017 and keeps it at the same level. It seems that banking services have become better.

Given that VTB plans to increase profits in 2018, consider the net operating margin, because interest is the main income and loss of the bank. If the profit increases and the net interest margin remains the same, then the bank has profited from other activities - history may not repeat itself in the next years.

Plans to increase dividends

Now VTB pays dividends of at least 25% of net profit under IFRS. The management at the conference said: we will send at least 50% of net profit for the payment of dividends. The final decision should be made by the Supervisory Board, but for now we will dream up - we will calculate the current dividend yield of VTB for 2017.

VTB earned 120.1 billion rubles for the year, which means that at least 60.05 billion rubles of dividends will be paid. VTB has 12.96 trillion shares, the share price on February 26 is 0.055 R. Divide the dividend by the share price to get the dividend yield, which is 8.42%.

It's too early to rejoice: VTB has ordinary and preferred shares, and the management did not specify what type of shares 50% of net profit will be sent to. So wait until April if you want to know the exact dividend yield.

Bought RusHydro shares

RusHydro is a Russian energy generating company. The management of the company needed money to modernize the subsidiary. The companies signed a contract: VTB bought shares for 1 ruble for a total of 55 billion rubles, and RusHydro received a loan with a rate depending on the key rate of the Central Bank.

Although RusHydro has assumed additional obligations, its management is interested in paying dividends - they pay off interest payments from VTB.

There is another condition: if in five years the price of RusHydro's shares is less than 1 ruble, then RusHydro will reimburse the difference between the cost of the bank's shares and the purchase price. And vice versa: if the price of RusHydro shares is more than 1 ruble, VTB pays the difference.

After the end of the contract, the shares will remain with VTB - the bank's management plans to sell the shares of RusHydro. There is a reason to follow RusHydro - the company publishes reports and the company's shares can be bought on the Moscow Exchange.

Counting multipliers

We collect data.

I took the market capitalization from for February 26th. Transferring data to a table.

VTB results for 2017


billion R

Net profit


P/E - the ratio of market capitalization to earnings. Shows how many years the company will pay for itself. If the result is from 0 to 5, then the company is probably undervalued.

When a conscientious borrower takes a loan from a bank, he plans to pay it off in accordance with the schedule, as expected. But since almost all types of loans are given, as a rule, for several years, during this time events may occur that are beyond the control of the client, which lead to insolvency.

This does not mean that the debtor does not want to pay, he has objective reasons that do not allow him to do so. Usually they are related to the source of income, for example, you can lose your job or get sick, in connection with which the person does not receive the salary with which he expected to pay the loan.

There is an overdue debt that can drag on for months with varying success - the debtor periodically pays small amounts if he manages to intercept them somewhere. During this difficult period, VTB's debt amnesty can help. Customer reviews speak of the great benefits of such a bank service. In particular, it prevents the bankruptcy of borrowers. Clients welcome the emerging civilized relations between debtors and credit institutions, believe that actions to pay off debts raise them to a new level, increase the financial literacy of the population.

Borrowers of VTB 24 - briefly about the bank

Throughout the entire period of the bank's work, its clear position “face to the client” was noted. Activities were constantly carried out to improve interaction, in particular, actions were carried out aimed at solving customer problems or improving the conditions for using banking products. All this contributed to the strengthening of the bank's reputation, its popularization among the widest strata of the population, and increased customer loyalty. It remains to be hoped that in 2019 after us the preservation of traditions awaits.

Consider how the debt amnesty works for individuals at VTB 24.

Debt amnesty as a way to pay off debts

What happens if the arrears continue to accumulate from month to month? Professional expertise and research shows why the bank itself is extremely unfavorable in situations with delayed payments on loans:

  • Firstly, it increases the share of overdue loans in the organization's loan portfolio, which negatively affects financial performance and business reputation.
  • Secondly, the bank loses part of its income if the debtor does not make regular payments.

Therefore, each credit institution has a department for dealing with overdue debts, which is designed to resolve issues of non-payment. What is offered?

  • Loan restructuring - reducing the monthly installment or extending the loan term, drawing up an individual payment schedule,
  • Debt amnesty - "forgiveness" of a part of overdue debt. For example, when paying the agreed amount to pay off the principal debt, the debtor is forgiven for the already accrued penalties and fines.

Participation in the VTB 24 "Debt Thaw" campaign

At a certain stage, the bank launched the “Debt thaw” campaign in order to contribute to the situation of stabilization and further improvement of the lending market in Russia. Clients whose arrears were too increased due to interest and fines were allowed not to pay part of the penalties, and some - there were such cases - were removed completely. In general, fines were written off in the amount of approximately 25-100 percent. Reducing the amount of debt made it easier for the client, and allowed him to honestly pay off the delay.

The debt amnesty at VTB 24 helped solve the problem of many loans and lending. First of all, the protection of the rights of the bank's client was implemented, which had a positive impact on the business reputation of the bank. The administration of the bank turned out to be right, the witnesses of the action "debt amnesty" did not need to be convinced. Every conscientious client wants to fully pay off the annoying delay and breathe freely.

Penalties are cancelled, but what about the main debt?

Debt amnesty and minimization of the amount of fines were offered to borrowers who had a credit card, as well as for consumer loans and car loan agreements. At the same time, debts that were overdue for more than two months were considered. Subject to the full repayment of the amount of the body of the loan, the bank took a retaliatory step in the form of removing the obligation from the client to pay penalties. For example, a client paid off the main debt in the amount of 169 thousand rubles, after which she was removed a fine in the amount of 25 thousand rubles.

At the same time, loans with different statutes of limitations were considered, and, as you know, the statute of limitations for debts is three years. At first, the debt amnesty of VTB 24 was limited in time, but gradually the action became permanent. The debt amnesty of VTB 24 will always be in place in order to stabilize the process of repayment of problem loans.

Bank motives - why is it needed

The question arises: what reasons encourage the organization to do this, because you have to receive less money due under the contract?

The reasons are clear:

  • firstly, obtaining approval from current and future borrowers;
  • secondly, the acquisition of an advantage over other banks competitors;
  • thirdly, the bank's advertising in the banking services market, characterizing VTB 24 as an organization that is meeting the needs of its customers;
  • fourthly, it is the liquidation of problem assets and the improvement of statistics.

The debt amnesty at VTB 24 set an example in dealing with overdue debts to other banking entities. Financial law and criminal law, business etiquette only confirm the positive effect of the action for all market participants.

What is the essence of the proposal?

Arrears do not suddenly appear, they start with objective circumstances that prevented normal repayment on schedule, and accumulate from month to month, only occasionally decreasing with the help of occasional small payments. Sometimes these tiny amounts are only enough to pay fines, and, as is clear from practice, it does not reach the repayment of interest and principal debt. So this “snowball” is growing without any hope for the full payment of the borrower for debts.

Banks react differently to this situation. Some prefer to transfer debt cases to collectors under an assignment agreement or bring them to court, but realizing that this path leads to a decrease in bank profits, some of them, such as VTB 24, began working under an amnesty with a reduction in the debt burden in order to completely eliminate debts. By offering a debt amnesty in terms of fines, a financial institution receives a calculation of the principal debt and resolves the issue with the client.

It is important that the bank itself is active: it is beneficial for it to deal with this issue as soon as possible in order to improve the quality indicators of the loan portfolio. Debt amnesty significantly increases the speed of liquidation of problem loans.

How to get a loan amnesty at VTB 24 in 2019?

Being in a situation of increasing debts, the borrower gradually comes to the conclusion: “What should I do to pay off the debt if I want to get a debt amnesty?” The answer is presented in the table:

Initiator Situation The documents Solutions
Bank A large amount of debt with interest, fines and penalties, arrears of several months Since the offer comes from the bank, it has already been approved, additional documents are needed only at the discretion of the employees Debt amnesty:
  • forgiveness of fines subject to full payment of the loan body and accrued interest,
  • payment of 10% of the debt and transfer of the debt to a third party under an assignment agreement (possibly to a relative).
Client The exchange rate of the loan has changed Currency change
Loss of job, income, salary reduction Certificate from the labor exchange or salary from the place of work, a photocopy of the work book, certificate of the absence of other housing Restructuring:
  • cutting the payment in half
  • extension of the loan term up to ten years,
  • instead of annuity payments - differentiated.
The debtor has liquid assets Title deed Exchange of part of the debt for property

Most often, the offer is put forward by the bank itself, and the debtor gets acquainted with the conditions in order to understand whether it is worth agreeing to a debt amnesty, whether it is feasible to fulfill it. For example, to deposit a large amount, you can sell real estate or a car. If you get professional advice from the agency, housing can be sold very quickly.

If there are no offers from the bank, you can independently apply there with a request for a debt amnesty. At the same time, the probability of approval is greater if at least some payments were made all this time, the client kept in touch with the bank, the financial situation improved (for example, a new job was found). For the bank, this means that the borrower did not evade repayment obligations, but there were objective reasons.

A request for a debt amnesty must be made in writing, if necessary, get legal advice, read current reviews from other borrowers, and find out what pitfalls can be.