“Politics is the concentrated expression of economics. Aphorisms Lenin Vladimir Ilyich A concentrated expression of the economy can be called

(Mark Twain)

Undoubtedly, the topic of political prisoners, and especially the prisoners of Bolotnaya, who are languishing in prison for the second year, is the main, exposed nerve in relations between the opposition and the authorities. This is if we talk about the main political component of yesterday's meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and the leaders of non-parliamentary opposition parties.

But there is another, no less important topic, Lenin's formula: "Politics is the most concentrated expression of the economy", no one has canceled.

With an average price of around $110 per barrel, Russia is teetering on the brink of a recession. In prosperous, well-fed Moscow, the underlying problems are not so visible, growing not only in the second, third and fourth Russia, according to Zubarevich's classification, where the regional budget deficit is approaching 1.5 trillion. The hole in the pension fund is almost 2 trillion. And self-sufficient, according to Natalya Vasilievna, there are only three left.

For this reason, alarmist scenarios are heard, anxiety is growing in the public mind. Very knowledgeable people from the expert community call today's Russia a mini-USSR of the 1987-88 model. If their forecasts are reliable, then the country has 3-4 years of historical time left.

Therefore, Mikhail Prokhorov's proposal to carry out land reform as a new agenda for Russia is very timely.

I know quite well the content of this systemic document, which was hotly discussed at the federal committee of the Civic Platform (GP) two months ago. Mikhail Dmitrievich did the right thing by handing over the draft reform to the head of state personally, in his hands. And, it was no less significant event than the list of political prisoners.

And that's why.

In the near future, the federal center will have less and less opportunity to fulfill its obligations, and above all social ones. They will be dumped on the regions, and they will not be provided with financial mandates. Sources will have to be found locally.

The land tax is entirely a local tax. It is split in the budget system exclusively between the subject of the Russian Federation and the municipalities. Under these conditions, one of the proposals of the leader of the State Enterprise to abolish the categorization of land near large urban settlements is not only the only way to fill local budgets, but also a real anti-corruption measure.

The non-transparent procedure for transferring from agricultural land to settlement land, industry, transport, communications, in some cases increases the market value by 20-30, and sometimes even 100 times. According to my estimates, the losses for the consolidated budgets per year are from 10 to 15 billion dollars.

Today, a lot of money from such a kind of geographical rent ends up in the pockets of officials and is the main source of corruption at the regional level.

Meanwhile, the right to sell buildings on agricultural land through the procedure of open, transparent auctions is both revenue to the budget and opportunities for infrastructure development. And finally, a significant reduction in the cost of housing construction.

Prokhorov is absolutely right when he said that the shortage of land in our country was created completely artificially. The land fund of Russia is 17.1 million square meters. kilometers, while 97% of the total land tax in the country is collected from 1.8% of its territory.

I expect fierce criticism. The "defenders" of agriculture in the Federal Assembly will shout that this will bury our agricultural sector. Craftiness! I myself am an agronomist, I worked as a director of a state farm and I know the price of land firsthand.

I have a question for the "people's defenders": why do they care about the lands exclusively around large cities? They do not pay attention to the fact that there are 60 million hectares of agricultural land in the country, of which 40 million hectares of arable land are degrading, waterlogged, acidified, overgrown with forests.

After all, the revival of regional economies is a matter of developing and supporting agriculture, including from local budgets.

The President of the Russian Federation promised to take a close look at the land reform proposed by Prokhorov and, if possible, include certain provisions in the text of the message to the Federal Assembly.

If this really happens, then Vladimir Ilyich will again be right: "Politics is the most concentrated expression of economics."

mi and other social groups, the core of which is the problem of conquest, retention and use of state power. The most essential thing in P. is “... the structure of state power” (V. I. Lenin, Poln. sobr. soch., 5th ed., vol. 23, p. 239); P. "... there is participation in the affairs of the state, direction of the state, determination of the forms, tasks, content of the state's activities ..." (ibid., vol. 33, p. 340). The content of the P. in the final analysis is always determined by the interests of a class or an alliance of classes. Any social problem acquires a political character if its solution, directly or indirectly, is connected with class interests, the problem of power (see K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch., 2nd ed., vol. 1, p. 360).

For millennia, attempts have been made to explain the nature of political activity. However, the motives for political actions and movements were derived mainly either from the abstract, transtemporal nature of man, or from the categories of religion, philosophy, etc., which are equally ahistorically understood. The scientific explanation of P. and, accordingly, the formation of scientific P. became possible only with the advent of Marxism. The materialist understanding of history, the clarification of the role and place of classes in the entire complex of social phenomena, made it possible to draw a fundamental conclusion: political relations in their essence are class relations. Ever since classes appeared and as long as they persist, socialism has existed and will continue to exist as a special, specific form of social activity. It is the needs of the classes that determine the content of political interests. As social life became more complex, classes and other social groups became aware of their interests, a political superstructure of society was formed, organizations and institutions arose within which political activity was predominantly carried out, primarily the state, later political parties (See Political party) . From the point of view of Marxism-Leninism, politics, both as practical relations and as ideology, is determined by the movement of economic processes and acts as a superstructure over the economic basis of society (see Basis and superstructure). Economic interests ultimately act as the social cause of political action. The nature of the relationship between economics and politics is vividly expressed in the classic Leninist formulas: “politics is the most concentrated expression of economics...” (V. I. Lenin, Poln. sobr. soch., 5th ed., vol. 42, p. 278) and “politics cannot but have primacy over economics” (ibid.). The first formula, based on the determining value of economic relations, draws attention to the generalization of the political image of economic reality. P. not only reflects the economy. In political demands and decisions, economic needs are cleared of everything random and unstable, which leads to the separation of the main and the main. This process can proceed spontaneously, unconsciously, which in many cases deforms the political reflection of economic ties and interests. Only a scientific, theoretically conscious approach to the relationship between politics and economics makes it possible to find adequate political forms to reflect economic needs. The second Leninist formula emphasizes that the solution of economic problems must be subordinated to the main and fundamental task - the preservation and strengthening of political power. “... Without a correct political approach to business,” Lenin wrote, “the given class will not maintain its dominance, and consequently, will not be able to solve its production problem” (ibid., p. 279). The correct political approach is, in particular, to consider production tasks in the entire context of the socio-political problems characteristic of a given historical stage. Political activity, being a derivative of economic activity, has a high degree of independence. Political logic is not a mechanical copy of the logic of economic development. All this opens the way for political actions that contradict the laws of economic development or, which is much more common, that take into account the effects of these laws incompletely, partially. Within a limited framework, palliative actions can be successful, as evidenced, for example, by the experience of state regulation of the economy under the conditions of modern capitalism. However, in the long term, such political actions are doomed to failure, because they treat not the disease, but its symptoms. At the same time, the relative independence of trade opens up broad opportunities for progressive influence on the economic process and, in general, on the course of history. Marx called violence - this is an extreme expression of political influence - the midwife of history. If, however, we are not talking about those critical moments in history when violence is necessary and inevitable, but about its calm course, then in this case, too, political actions, reflecting the pressing needs of social and, above all, economic development, act as a powerful accelerator of social progress, as a force contributing to the conscious and effective realization of the possibilities inherent in the objective course of things.

An incorrect understanding of the relationship between economics and industrialization is one of the causes of various deviations from Marxism. On the one hand, a one-sided focus on economic factors, underestimation and belittling of the creative role of political actions lead to the passivity of the main centers of power, to the growth of uncontrolled, spontaneous influences on the social organism. On the other hand, neglect of the demands of the economy, belief in the omnipotence of political decisions and slogans deprive the political leadership of the necessary objective basis and thereby turn it into a realm of subjectivism and arbitrariness. If in the first case P. seems to be dissolved in the economy, then in the second case it breaks away from the economy and is opposed to it. The result is the same - the rejection of scientific P., its substitution of various kinds of subjectivist ideas.

Being a concentrated expression of not only the economic but also other needs of classes, prostitution exerts a significant influence on all the structural elements of the superstructure and provides decisive criteria for demarcating the progressive from the reactionary. Moreover, the sharper the class struggle, the wider the range of issues involved in the actual political sphere. Therefore, it is natural that in the modern era, when on a global scale there is a process of revolutionary change from one socio-economic formation to another, there is a comprehensive "politicization" of social life. The largest, most pressing problems facing humanity are of a political nature.

Distinguish P. external and P. internal. This distinction is correct, but to a certain extent conditional. For “... to oppose a foreign policy to an internal one is fundamentally wrong, non-Marxist, non-scientific thought” (V. I. Lenin, ibid., vol. 30, p. 93). On the whole, the foreign policy course of a given state is determined by the character, the class nature of its domestic policy. At the same time, the foreign policy situation has a significant influence on domestic P.. In the final analysis, both external and internal P. solve one problem - they ensure the preservation and strengthening of the system of social relations that exists in a given state. But within the framework of this fundamental commonality, each of the two main directions of P. has its own important specifics. Methods for solving internal political problems are determined by the fact that the state - even with a pronounced opposition - has a monopoly on political power in a given society. And there is no single center of power in the international arena, there are states that are basically equal in rights and relations between which develop as a result of struggle and negotiations, various kinds of agreements and compromises.

For millennia, world trade remained a sphere of undisguised dominance of "fist law." The emergence of the world's first socialist state created an entirely new situation in the system of international relations. History of owls. foreign policy, the fundamental foundations of which were laid by V. I. Lenin, is the history of the struggle for the establishment of new methods and forms of foreign policy activity, new principles of international relations. Internal P. covers the main areas of activity of the state and the ruling parties. depending on the area of ​​society. relations, which is the object of political influence, we can talk about economic or social, cultural or technical, etc. society. Under socialism, after the liquidation of the exploiting classes, the center of gravity of political life shifts to the area of ​​strengthening and improving the political organization of society, developing socialist democracy, and gradually transforming the entire system of social relations. Insofar as capitalist society exists in the world, the struggle for the preservation of the working people's political power continues to have a clearly defined class character. As for the internal aspects of the political agenda of the socialist states, as socialism develops, they lose their class-antagonistic characteristics. Of course, even under socialism there is a struggle of opinions, reflecting the contradictions of social development, the struggle between the new and the old in public life and, accordingly, different approaches to solving certain issues. An open, creative comparison of views and assessments, a broad discussion of topical socio-political problems is an important condition for the further consolidation and development of socialism. In its most general form, the structure of political leadership can be reduced to the following main points. Firstly, such leadership includes the setting of fundamental tasks, a clear definition of long-term, as well as immediate goals that must be achieved within a given period of time. The reality of political tasks and goals, their feasibility are determined by how much they correspond to the balance of social forces, the real opportunities that exist at a given stage of development. Secondly, political leadership involves the development of methods, means, forms of social activity and organization, with the help of which the goals set can be achieved in an optimal way. The problem of the relationship between means and ends already goes beyond the framework of “pure” P., because its solution is connected with certain moral ideas. Communists resolutely reject the immoral thesis that the end justifies the means. Political experience shows that the success that can be achieved through the use of inhuman means to achieve a human goal is ephemeral and leads to impoverishment, dehumanization of the goal itself. Thirdly, political leadership is connected with the need to select and deploy personnel capable of understanding and fulfilling the intended tasks. Each of the three listed points involves a specific analysis of a specific situation and a search of possible options for solving political problems in order to choose the best one. Knowledge of the general scheme, as well as the use of the modern tools of political leadership (system analysis, etc.), by themselves do not ensure success in political politics. Scientific political science rests on the solid foundation of Marxist-Leninist theory, which reveals the patterns of historical development. The core of scientific P. under socialism, its meaning and main content, is the problem of social management (See Management) , i.e., conscious, directed leadership of social progress. The elaboration of a general perspective for the development of society, a correct political line and the organization of the working people in order to put it into practice is the main thing in the activity of the ruling communist parties, which play the role of the political leader of the working class and all working people. The wider the scope of socialist and communist construction, the more complex the tasks that have to be solved, the greater the role and responsibility of the parties leading the masses.

Political theory, giving a general orientation of political activity, cannot cover the whole variety of events, outline the whole set of possible consequences from a given set of causes. Therefore, P., even scientific P., is as much an art as a science. Moreover, P. is widely influenced by the personal qualities of politicians. Therefore, the same objective, for example, economic, need can be expressed in different political decisions, the content of which will largely depend on the discretion of the persons entitled to make this decision. The range of deviations caused by the action of subjective factors is objectively limited. But it is quite sufficient to lead to ambiguous political actions.

P., in contrast to the economy or culture, is one of those phenomena of social life that have a historically transient character. As the communist social and economic formation develops, the political shell, within which material and spiritual progress is still being carried out, will become thinner and thinner until it completely dissolves into social communist self-government. The connection between people, the management of the affairs of society will lose their political character. The establishment of the social homogeneity of mankind will mean the end of P. as specific forms of human activity.

Lit.: Marx K., On the Criticism of the Hegelian Philosophy of Law, Marx K. and Engels F. Soch., 2nd ed., vol. 1; his, Political Parties and Perspectives, ibid., vol. 8; Engels f., Position of political parties, ibid., vol. 1; Lenin V.I., Concerning one article in the organ of the Bund, Poln. coll. soch., 5th ed., vol. 14; his own. The Election Campaign of the Social Democracy in St. Petersburg, ibid., vol. 14; his own, Attitude to the bourgeois parties, ibid., vol. 15; his own, Polemic Notes, ibid., vol. 20; his own, The Block of Cadets with the Progressives and Its Meaning, ibid., vol. 21; his, On the Liberal and Marxist Concept of the Class Struggle, ibid., vol. 23; his own. More on the political crisis, ibid., vol. 25; his, On the Caricature of Marxism and "Imperialist Economism", ibid., vol. 30; him, Who are you laughing at? Laugh at yourself! ibid., vol. 32; his, From the diary of a publicist, ibid., vol. 34; his, Political report of the Central Committee on March 7, ibid., vol. 36; his, Valuable confessions of Pitirim Sorokin, ibid., vol. 37; his own. Publicist's Notes, ibid., vol. 40; his, Children's disease of "leftism" in communism, ibid., vol. 41; his own, Report on the replacement of the apportionment with a tax in kind on March 15, ibid., vol. 43: his own, [Letter] I. Armand 6 (19) Jan. 1917, ibid., vol. 49; Stronin A., Politics as a science, St. Petersburg, 1872; Chicherin B., Course of state science, part 3, M., 1898; Lashina M. V., Specific patterns of politics and features of their action in the conditions of building communism, M., 1968; Burlatsky F. M., Lenin, state, politics, M., 1970; Azarov N. I., V. I. Lenin on politics as a social phenomenon, M., 1971; Bovin A. E., V. I. Lenin on politics and political activity, M., 1971; Pichugin P.V., The place and role of politics in the development of Soviet society, M.,.

A. E. Bovin.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .


See what "Politics" is in other dictionaries:

    Politician ... Russian word stress

    - (Greek state or public affairs, from the state), a field of activity associated with relations between classes, nations and other social groups, the core of which is the problem of conquest, retention and use of state. authorities. Most ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    Not an exact science. Otto von Bismarck Politics is the art of the possible. Otto von Bismarck It is not true that politics is the art of the possible. Politics is a choice between disastrous and unpleasant. John Kenneth Galbraith Politics is not the art of the possible; … Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    policy- and, well. policy f. , German Politik gr. politike is the art of government. 1. obsolete, originally dipl. and the secular is simple. Polite, courteous manner. And there were no other states for the kings and for the princes for the fact that ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

Politics and economics... What comes first, politics determines economics or economics politics? A question over which many minds of the world still do not cease to struggle, and a single common and correct opinion has not yet been formed. It's time to decide.

"The autocratic hand
He boldly sowed enlightenment ... ".
A.S. Pushkin

Politics and economics… What comes first, politics determines economics or economics politics? A question over which many minds of the world still do not cease to struggle, and a single common and correct opinion has not yet been formed. It's time to decide.

Until now, there is an opinion that the economy is the basis for politics. How did such a statement come about? Where did it come to us that the economy is the foundation? Let's figure it out.


Marxist economic theory. Its founder, Karl Marx (1818-1883), believed that economic development played a decisive role in the political development of society. The core of Marxist economic theory, expounded primarily in the famous Capital (1867), is the doctrine of value, which states that all new values ​​are created by labor. At the same time, labor power itself is a commodity that is bought and sold on the market. This commodity has a special property - its own value is less than the value of those goods that it creates. The difference between these two values, which Marx called surplus value, is appropriated by the capitalist through ownership of the means of production. The doctrine of value is at the same time the doctrine of the exploitation of labor and the basis of Marx's predictions about the doom of capitalism.

According to Marx, the political form of government is a superstructure over the real basis that makes up the economic structure of society. According to Marx, the economic structure of society is a set of historically determined production relations that people enter into in the process of production and that correspond to a certain stage in the development of their material productive forces.

K. Marx also proceeded from the fact that the state, political relations ("superstructure") are determined by the nature of economic relations and the level of development of productive forces ("basis"). This idea was developed by V. Lenin. We know Lenin's definition of politics as "a concentrated expression of economics."

The position of unilinear economic determinism, expressed in Marxism, did not allow determining the relative autonomy of politics and explaining a certain number of historical examples that do not fit into this scheme (for example, how a democratic form of government arose in ancient Athens based on the slave-owning mode of production). World experience shows that societies that are at the same level of development of productive forces, exchange and consumption may have different themes of the political system, differ in social structure. For example, a modern market economy can be combined with both democratic and authoritarian power.

Marx, on the other hand, argued that the improvement of tools should change the nature of relationships in a group of people. Thus, the primitive-communal way of life of people is being replaced by a slave-owning system, followed by a feudal system, then - with the advent of the proletariat - capitalist and, finally, communist. Communism is the crown of human evolution, of its consciousness; a kind of heaven without a god on earth.

Such "happiness" is achieved... by improving the tools of labor (the robots will work hard), or the means of production. If Marx were alive today, he would, of course, turn his attention to the fact that the improvement of the tools of labor did not lead to a "paradise" on earth.

Marxism, for example, understands the economy as the totality of production relations. In this sense, the basis of the economy is the ownership of the means of production. The determining factor in the development of the economy is the productive forces; changes in which allegedly entail a change in production relations and the entire political and legal superstructure. The economy, or the economic basis, thus forms the basis of all other social relations, playing a decisive role in the development of society.

"The totality of ... production relations constitutes the economic structure of society, the real basis on which the legal and political superstructure rises and to which certain forms of social consciousness correspond." Politics, in the final analysis, is determined by the economy - this is the first fundamental position of Marxism. In such a clear, cast form Marx determined the relationship between politics and economics, and it remained unshakable for a long time ...

On the other hand, according to Lenin, politics, being "a concentrated expression of the economy":

Politics cannot but have primacy over economics - this is the second no less fundamental position of the same Marxism. Already here we are faced with an obvious ambiguity ... But no matter how hard you try, it cannot be avoided. The classics of Marxism themselves saw the weaknesses of their concept and more than once came up with explanations and justifications, trying to somehow soften its rigidity. The most indicative in this sense is the well-known letter of Engels:

"...According to the materialistic understanding of history, in the historical process, the determining moment, in the final analysis, is the production and reproduction of real life. Neither I nor Marx ever claimed more. If someone distorts this position in the sense that the economic moment is, as it were, the only defining moment, then he turns this statement into a meaningless, abstract, meaningless phrase.

The economic situation is the basis, but the course of the historical struggle is also influenced and in many cases mainly determined by its form, various aspects of the superstructure: the political forms of the class struggle and its results - the political system established by the victorious class after the battle won, etc. ., legal forms and even the reflection of all these actual battles in the brains of the participants, political, legal, philosophical theories, religious beliefs and their further development ... ".

It turns out that the “economic basis” is an important component, but nevertheless, it is precisely one of the components of the totality of aspects of a person’s spiritual life, that is, something without which a person is no longer a person, without which it is pointless to talk about economics, technology. and other areas of human expression.

However, the authority of the leaders of the International was so high that the Marxist formula was basically accepted in its entirety. The criticism that was heard from time to time in her address did not have any noticeable consequences. In this formula, in a concentrated form, was, as it were, concentrated all the rationalism of Western European thought (Campanella, Thomas More, Fourier, Owen and others). Marx's economic theory, having become the "only true" explanation of the process of social development, eventually collapsed under the weight of its absolute conclusions.

One of its major shortcomings is the belittling of the role of the spiritual component of a person, because a person is still "an animal plus a god inside." It is precisely this delusion that is inherent in Marxism, as well as in any other doctrine concerned with the search for an absolute rational scheme for the happiness of "all mankind", based on historical materialism. The main, fundamental and fundamental difference between the materialistic and metaphysical teachings is that it is based not on the ideal, but on the material Absolute.

How deeply Marx's economic theory has ingrained itself into our consciousness can be seen from the fact that even the "perestroika" that began in our country and subsequent attempts to reform social relations follow the same rigidly deterministic Marxist scheme: "the economy determines politics and all other superstructural relations" ... And that's it, they've arrived...

Now we have only the collapse of the social, economic, cultural, spiritual and moral foundations and structures of our society and state, and in a catastrophically short time - all this once again testifies to the deep fallacy and depravity of this scheme, that social life is determined by other factors that it should always be based on the Great Purpose, Idea, culture, ideology, politics, spiritual and moral values ​​that form the framework of society, which determines in the future, will form the corresponding type of dominant economic relations. Only in this way, because the economy is a consequence of the Goal, Idea and policy, and the consequence is never the primary and determining factor ...


So why is it that politics determines the economy, and not vice versa?

The essential error of Marx lay in the rejection and complete rejection of the metaphysical foundations of the universe.

The fact is that in our world of phenomena, there are events that are not at all interconnected, but that have one common cause or common meaning. This means that the truth must be sought not in the world of phenomena, but in other worlds - the world of meanings and the world of causes. This is what the science of metaphysics does.

The definition of metaphysics is known as the philosophical doctrine of the primary foundations of any being or the essence of the world. Thus, we can safely say that metaphysics is an essential understanding that leads to truth. Based on this definition, it turns out that for essential understanding it is necessary to consider ... functioning in the world of phenomena, the world of meanings and the world of causes. Truth () is a philosophical category that demonstrates the completeness and depth of human expression in relation to any things and phenomena from the position of their manifestation in three worlds - the world of phenomena, the world of meaning and the world of causes.

Metaphysics is not subject to any ideology, power, time. Metaphysics is a science, a philosophical doctrine about the primary foundations of any being or about the essence of the world. It is similar to the science of physics, which tries to understand the essence of the material world. Metaphysics is a science that allows you to understand the essence of phenomena, the reason for their occurrence. If physics is looking for how one phenomenon affects another, then metaphysics helps to find and understand the true relationships of phenomena, or their absence. The necessity and importance of metaphysical thinking becomes obvious, because it is “consciousness that determines being”, this is the Law!

At all times, politicians came to the planet who established the necessary ideology, then built the policy of the state under this ideology. Only then did the politician form an economy that would satisfy the idea with which he came - either alone or with a group.

Today, the country's economy will never develop until political reforms take place. Judge for yourself:

Ideology is the precipitation of the Idea from the world of meanings into our ordinary world of phenomena. Thus, an ideology is essentially a crystallized abstract idea in the mind of a thinker.

Economy - a set of social relations in the sphere of production, exchange and distribution of products. Economy - economic structure, economic system, economic life of society in the production and distribution of goods and services. Otherwise, we can say that the economy, economic activity is the sphere of material self-sufficiency by a person and society of their existence, life (“being”). The essential factors of the economy are set out in the publication "Essential factors that determine the economy" .

So, politics is a sphere of activity related to the distribution and exercise of power within the state and between states.

It is important to understand that it is in the political space that the possibility of realizing the economic interests of certain social groups, the ability of a politician to unite and legitimize the interests of various social forces, using appropriate economic levers, primarily mechanisms of economic incentives, is determined.

What is the real impact of the political process on the economic sphere of society? It is possible to identify the most important areas of the political process that affect the economic sphere of society:

Organization of legislative, constitutional activities, a system of executive power that implements laws and creates conditions for the functioning of economic institutions that protect one or another type of economic order; an appropriate organization of the judiciary capable of protecting the established order;

An established system of local government that allows combining and taking into account regional and all-Russian interests;

A system of relations with the world community, which makes it possible to correlate the interests of the country with global interests, to promote the desire to develop at the world level.

Power is a special relationship between people, the ability to exercise one's will . In this case, the will is initiated by the Purpose.

The goal forms the ideology and meanings. The evolutionary development of mankind is determined by a regular sequence: goal, idea, ideals, state political regime, ideology, type of economy.

An idea is the same goal, but which has taken shape, and therefore can be concretized in the mind of some thinker. It can already be put on paper, it can be discussed, in contrast to the goal, which always remains abstract. From the moment you get an idea, let's say a national idea, you can start building a plan for the implementation of the goal at a specific time and in a specific territory. Russia still does not have its own national idea just because the search was not going on there. It was necessary to begin precisely with the recognition of the goal, abstract and unknown, but necessarily existing.

Ideals are formed by the elite, receiving an idea from thinkers. The state political regime is formed by the elite, based on the national idea. Ideology is formed according to the recognizable idea and the chosen political regime. Ideology is the mental form of governing a nation.

The economy is the last thing the real elites will have to decide. Thus, the type of economy will be determined by the Idea, the ideology, and the political regime.

The world of meanings always stands behind the world of phenomena, just as behind the world of meanings stands the world of causes. If the world of causes is the world of energies, the world of the Creator's Purpose, then the world of meaning is the world of the Plan, the world of phenomena is the world of activity of forces.

A plan is a projection of the Goal at a specific time into a specific space.
The world of phenomena, our ordinary world, is the world of human activity in which he implements the Plan. Thus, the world of phenomena is conditioned by the worlds of meaning and causes.

The demand of the new time is such that it is necessary to correct Lenin's statement: "Politics must be primary over the economy." Where there is no such primacy, anarchy and the power of the strong over the weak prevail (the position of strength that the United States demonstrates to the world today), as is the case in the natural world when the expression of the animal soul dominates. But a new world and state world order is already coming, based on the principles of the human Soul, on the basis of group consciousness - the consciousness of the Soul.

When Russia finally decides on its role, then it will be possible to declare this for consideration by the UN General Assembly and invite the world to discuss key positions. Only after that it will be possible to form a new economic model in the country. This is what it is important to think about today, this is what we should be discussing. This is the next task.

Eremenko Elena

How do you understand the words Lenik-politics is a concentrated expression of the economy? and got the best answer

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: How do you understand the words Lenik-politics is a concentrated expression of the economy?

Answer from Rogue[guru]
Ponty, a play on words, besides a patient with schizophrenia :)

Answer from Alexander pupkin[guru]
nu chego zhe neponyatnogo-dengi mol pravyat mirom u kogo ih bolshe tot i prav

Answer from Psyche Model[guru]
Literally. No politician will say a word for free. Who pays - he orders the music 🙂

Answer from Vladimir Alexandrin[guru]
Politics is violence in a demagogic shell, committed in the interests of the ruling class, which cares only about its economic success.

Answer from Yotalin[guru]
Lenik is your friend? :)) This was the case under Marx, when politics determined the economy.
Seychvs no longer has a pronounced policy or a coherent economy ... .
Although here you can find confirmation of these words.
Let's take Russia for example. There is no economy.. The budget is replenished only at the expense of minerals (oil, gas).. And now you have politics... We are trying to be friends with the same raw material appendages, such as Iran. We quarrel with the Slavic brothers because they do not allow us to pump gas, etc. .. .
It is even disgusting to talk about domestic politics. Since we do not produce anything, qualified personnel are not needed, and there is nothing to protect. As a result, there is no youth policy at all, healthcare is in the ass, social programs are in the same place, the army (except for the internal cop troops) has been lowered below the plinth ....
So think whether Lenin is right or not.

Answer from Defender of millers[guru]
we just see his offspring and have seen. just like that, the economy was shit and politics was shit in a cube, which is primary and not immediately determined. but you can see the politics.

Answer from Evgeny Sheiko[guru]
if the economy is developed, then the policy of the state is correct, firm

Answer from Evgeny Ryzhkov[guru]
A very precise and capacious expression, but in order to understand it you need to study ....
Politics is a state ... and what is a state, it is an organ of violence aimed at seizing and redistributing a certain share of income) and this is already an economy)

Answer from & L I D I A ~ V E L I K S A R ~[guru]
There is a rule in economics: - Man is a wolf to man, but doesn't it work in politics, such a rule. Take a look around, evaluate .. - the relationship in politics within the country and from the outside, a- what! !
Study carefully ... whoever has money is on horseback, in politics, then in economics, and we are all in the city ... - not ...

Answer from Uncle Sam[newbie]
What a treasure trove of thoughts!! And these crustaceans allow you to compare yourself with the great Lenin! I will not go into the controversy of market ladies, I will suggest reading the words of Mr. Kerry. I hope the "authority" of this torch of US economic thought will not cause doubts in you. - According to Kerry, since his first day as US Secretary of State, he has "not tired of emphasizing that foreign policy is economic policy, and economic policy is foreign policy."

Answer from - [newbie]
I would clarify the phrase of Vladimir Ilyich, - "Politics is a means of the economy, and war is its concentrated expression." But this is only part of the truth. The full answer is an order of magnitude more difficult.

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here are other threads with similar questions.

Very often people cannot see new content behind the archaic form, mistaking the management methods of "developed capitalism" for feudalism.
I remember even in this blog, one “great theoretician of Marxism” argued and not only found analogies between modern rfia and the rkmp of a hundred years ago, but was generally unable to understand the difference between progressive movement forward and a return back. What can we say about the "small". According to this “theorist”, it is simply necessary and possible to fight the power of finance capital in order to return “good old capitalism”.
I don’t know why people generally consider “correct capitalism” as an option for salvation, I don’t understand this, but it’s just not possible.
Yes, and big business, hiding behind various forms of "people's capitalism" and calls to open "their own business", wants to enslave and profit even more, and not change the content at all.

Recently, a small "scandal" erupted.
Teachers from the HSE (looking at the "economy" is already ridiculous) stopped working with MGUA because of Stalin. http://sokol51.livejournal.com/2102379.html

Well, what else is left for these "pugs" to do? After all, these scientists are well aware of industrialization, and the rate of economic growth, when the Communists under the leadership of Stalin were in power, and the annual price reduction. They are well aware of the damage suffered by the national economy as a result of the Second World War. Naturally, they also know that, despite the forecasts of their foreign cripples - also scientists, the USSR, having suffered such losses, either could no longer recover at all, or it would take decades for it to do so, but under the leadership of Stalin, by historical standards, The USSR restored the national economy instantly.
Also, these scientists know that, thanks to their efforts (without war), the second economy of the world was destroyed, and the great country was torn to pieces.
These pieces have become completely dependent on world capital. And the biggest piece is not even a colony of "more developed countries", but a colony of corporations. Industry has been destroyed, and the territory is needed and maintained by exporting resources.

For the information of the so-called "liberals", the guardians on the right - the mourners of "correct capitalism", this "correct capitalism", as it is presented to the public, has never existed anywhere.
It existed when there was a struggle against feudalism, but it existed only in an idealized form in the minds, the reality turned out to be completely different.
In reality, "correct capitalism with equal opportunities", as some imagine it, is only short periods in individual places. And what allowed us to talk about the correctness in the understanding of the same few was provided by the robbery of millions of people in other territories. And even that “happiness” of the so-called “equal opportunities”, even in such an advanced country as England, was not equal for all segments of the population.
What can we say about the backward RKMP, “where not everyone could crunch with a bun. Or rather, not only everyone could crunch, few could do it.

Capitalism is based on lies. It is clear that it has an economic basis, but this basis in “developed” capitalism has already completely rotted away.
On the example of this "scandal" one can observe a "wonderful" pattern of guarding both on the right and on the "left".
"Red" guards reacted as expected. Here, they say, the damned "liberals", as soon as Putin hinted that Stalin should not be unnecessarily demonized, and they are right there.
Guys, have you got anything wrong? The existing government is just the real “liberal”, and the misunderstanding that you call “liberals” exists thanks to the government.
Although what am I talking about? You didn’t confuse anything, it’s your joint project to fool your brains. "Liberals" are very fond of calling Pukin a Chekist, the government is KGB, and Russian capitalism is wrong. Well, you, of course, echo them on the left. And Putin you have a fighter with the "liberals" and "pendoses", and the fatherland, they say, everything is the same with us, and if there were any misunderstandings, then these are all damned liberals. If only he stood on the mausoleum on May 9, all in striped ribbons, but the FSB was renamed into the KGB, and then immediately the USSR 2.0. will.

It is unlikely that "developed capitalism" would have lasted so long if it were not for the guardians. And the basis of guarding, taking into account the growing discontent, is precisely the guards under the red flag.
The tricks that such scoundrels use are real "cheap money" for which the layman is bought. Most often, the guards on the left put pressure on patriotic feelings and love for the motherland as a place of birth.
In the history known to us, there were thousands of cases of the birth of children in concentration camps, it is unlikely that an “outside observer” could call the place of birth of such a child “homeland”. But I have no doubt that such a child would grow up (if I could) and if I didn’t know the world behind barbed wire, he would love “his homeland”, but the guards would support such “patriotism” in every possible way.
These guards are very fond of blaming all the troubles on the so-called "liberals", on ebna and on the "dashing" 90s. But the 90s and all the mess and lawlessness that is associated with them are just a short episode of "pure capitalism" with the primary accumulation of capital, the division of national property, and the rupture of the ties of a single economy.
Without this short historical period, it would have been impossible to obtain the result that we now have.
But it was your idol - the sun-faced rock-lifter - under the strict guidance of capital, being its political representative, who designed and filled with content the reality in which we all find ourselves.
Billionaires, power and business fused, “liberals”, Nazis, literally destroyed enterprises, anti-communism, problems in medicine and education, all this “foam” is the result of the power of “financial capital”, the political representative of which is your idol.

We live in the most real "developed" capitalism, in its last rotten stage under the rule of finance capital. The power of finance capital is “fascism”, but in a world that has been turned into a concentration camp not without the help of “terrorism”, “fascism” does not yet need to create separate concentration camps for the discontented in order to maintain its power. There are still enough circus performances played out with the help of "left and right opposition."

"Tightening the screws" is a natural process that will continue.
Capitalism is dead, but the decaying corpse stinks more and more, and its cadaveric poison can kill all of humanity. People can bury or burn this carrion only under the leadership of a real communist Marxist-Leninist Bolshevik Party.
Ultimately, the main task facing all guardians is to prevent the creation of such a Communist Party. This task also includes discrediting the name of one of the leaders of this party and its general secretary, Stalin. This technique has long been known, and once it worked.
(As for our territory, they try to discredit the name of Stalin not only with outright lies from the right, but also with “flattery” from the left - hiding the real communist Stalin behind the image of a “sovereign”, an effective manager-manager and other church-patriotic @ uin.)
For all other parties, parties, movements and movements, the bourgeois zombie does not care - and this I put it mildly and culturally.
To change the world, to destroy the whole world of violence to the ground, and even more so to build our new world - this is not about the "left".